
How to Look Like a ModernMSP

Posted by Todd Hussey

Jul 11, 2016 5:18:46 PM

There is all of a sudden a lot of hoopla around the "ModernMSP" - the latest title being applied to what many been calling the CSP or CSB or next-gen MSP. From what I can see the teams at Microsoft and BitTitan (and maybe others) are leading the charge here - and I like it - seems fitting to me.  But that's a title only - the vast, vast majority of IT Solutions Providers are not ModernMSPs - they just aren't - not even close. The vast majority of IT Solutions providers aren't even MSPs let alone ModernMSPs - although many call themselves MSPs. But that's all OK. Simple definition of a ModenMSP - a "cloud-first" IT Solutions Provider that is making their business from cloud - how's that for simple.

If you're a VAR or MSP and you are finally recognizing that cloud is here and you better get on board but don't know where to start, and you like the ModernMSP title - why don't you start by looking like one? Remember - if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's probably a duck. Let's start by looking like a duck - I mean ModernMSP. We can start swimming and quacking later.

In today's digital world where we are all doing business in a digital fashion - start with your website - yes your customers are researching cloud every day and are looking at your and your competitors website's every day. Make it look like you are truly a ModernMSP. Here are five places to start,

1. Professional and functional - this goes without saying with any website but I must emphasize it over and over again. I'm not talking about spending oodles of time making it pretty or color coordinated or having perfect images - just make it look "professional" and be "functional" for your visitors. You can spend tons of money on trying to make it look "perfect" - don't waste your money - make it simple and tell your ModernMSP story! 
2. Business focused - selling technology is dead! Customers want business-outcomes - not technology. Get rid of most of the technical copy and content and replace it with business-outcomes solutions, case studies, eBooks, partners, tools etc. that will show your visitors that their business is your business.
3. Cloud - the ModernMSP is cloud-first, thus your website must show cloud-first. Home page = cloud, solutions page = cloud, partners page = cloud. Remember, not cloud technology but cloud business outcomes solutions. I also suggest you have Cloud 101 content and copy - clients want a place to get educated and start.
4. Simple - How many pages does your website have? I guarantee I'm like most people today - I give a website no more that 60 seconds the first time I visit it to get a feel for "who are these guys, what do they do, who do they do it for and what can they do for me" - that's it. If it's too complicated - they lose me and I'll most likely never come back. Less is more many times.
5. Blog - gotta have a blog, gotta have a blog. If I go to a website and they don't have a blog I'm gone - that tells me they are stuck in the 80's. And your blog must be alive - worst than having no blog at all is having a blog where the last post was last year! Blogs are extremely important and this is a big topic - much more to come here - stay tuned. Preview, the ModernMSP's blog does not tell how to build a watch - it tells the time.........



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Topics: business models, CSB, MSP

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